Why CTech
Experienced Leadership
Our leadership team has over one hundred years of experience in the energy industry. Our experience includes the design, construction and operation of natural gas processing and treating plants, salt dome storage facilities, intrastate and interstate onshore and offshore pipelines, local distribution systems, mainline and field compressor stations and natural gas and crude gathering systems. We have a record of cutting costs, while continuously improving operating and safety performance. Having led or participated in mergers and acquisitions valued at more than twenty billion dollars, our team has proven experiences in integrating divergent operations and cultures.
Throughout the years our leadership team has overseen the design, construction, and operation of:
- 20,000+ miles of gas and liquid pipelines
- More than one million horsepower of compression
- Over fifty gas processing and treating plants
- Natural Gas & NGL storage facilities
- Facilities located in fifteen states and deep water Gulf of Mexico
- Installed platforms in the deepest water of the Gulf of Mexico
- Managed projects both on-shore and off-shore in the billions of dollars
- Mergers and acquisitions of $30 billion in assets, including integration and optimization of personnel and facilities
Additionally, our team has extensive experience in all areas of oil and natural gas production and has held management and executive positions in the following areas:
- Operations & Engineering
- Interstate & Intrastate pipeline operations
- Natural Gas & NGL processing & treating facilities
- Compression facility operation
- Environmental & Safety operations
- On-shore & off-shore plant management
- Natural Gas Salt Dome storage facilities
- ASME vessel fabrication
Experienced Technicians
CTech employs highly trained technicians to install, operate, maintain, and repair gas compression and processing equipment and marine propulsion equipment. Our team of experienced mobile technicians have the knowledge and experience to work on most manufacturer’s rotating equipment installed at your facility. Our technicians are available to work in any geographic area of the United States. CTech has access to new OEM parts as well as rebuilt/refurbished parts to enable the customer to meet budget and time constraints. We can provide routine inspections and maintenance of your facility coordinated around your operating schedule to minimize downtime. Management has experience managing a compression fleet up to 2 million horsepower including gas turbines and reciprocating compression.
- Assembly
- Preventive Maintenance
- Engine Overhaul/Refurbish
- Equipment procurement, installation, start-up and commissioning
- Project or facility re-design
- On-site operations
- Repairs and maintenance
- Emissions testing
- Process Optimization
- Modifications
- Compressor Overhaul
Health, Safety, & Environmental

Adhering to the myriad of health, safety, and environmental rules and regulations is paramount to providing a safe, environmentally friendly, work environment for employees, contract workers and the public. Our team can assist with ensuring that staff are properly trained and certified to work at your facilities.
CTech is committed to providing our customers with friendly and efficient service and, at all times, complying with industrial and customer-specific safety standards. We train each team member to perform their tasks in an efficient manner with focus on safety. CTech’s commitment to safety is shown by our membership in ISNetWorld and Veriforce.
For more information about our safety training and standards, please visit our safety page.